Saturday, March 9, 2013

It's been a year... and what a year it has been!

I know I have been terribly delinquent on updating this blog. However, I reached my one year anniversary in Aarhus last week (!!) and couldn’t think of a better way to celebrate than to update you all with a story. 

Last weekend, I joined a group of 22 other internationals in Aarhus to enjoy a boat ride and tour with the Aarhus Sea Rangers ( I have to admit, one of the main highlights of the day was getting suited-up in these incredibly warm (and necessary) thermal and dry suits before heading out on the water! 

Our two very smart and funny guides provided us with a breadth of information about the development of the harbor area, the local fauna and flora, as well as the rich Viking tradition surrounding the area of Aarhus. 




We rode in these tiny little inflatable, but really fast, boats – and I was lucky enough to take in all of the fun with my neighbor on Lollandsgade, Giulia.


The afternoon ended with tea, coffee, and some more educational information. I really enjoyed my time with the Aarhus Sea Rangers and look forward to going out the boats with them again… but, maybe when it’s a bit warmer! I’ve been told that you can see porpoises and seals in the summer.

I miss you guys and I am looking forward to seeing many of you soon!

